
Saturday, September 6, 2008

What Is A Liquid Cooled Engine?

Quite simple a Liquid Cooled Engines is any type of internal combustion engine that cools itself by circulating water (or a type of coolant, antifreeze or a combination of coolant additives) throughout the engine. In todays high performance engines, cooling must be enhanced. Why do we enhance the cooling of a internal combustion engine?

First lets look at the engine and what is going on inside. At cruising speed, a eight cylinder engine will have over 8000 internal explosions per minute. What that means is that each cylinder will go thru the four stroke process and fire producing horsepower, torque Power needed to maintain the cruising speed. There is another beast that is produced during this process. Heat. Heat will not go away with out some type of help. Approximately of the heat produced during the power stroke is exhausted out of the engine during the exhaust stroke. However with temperatures reaching in excess of 2000 degrees and only eliminated that leaves the remaining heat to be absorbed by the internal engine parts, pistons, cylinder Coffee valves and the engine block itself and the engine oil. None of these engine parts or the engine oil can withstand unlimited heat, therefore there must be a mechanical means to cool these parts. Most conventional motor oils will break down as a result of excessive heat. Synthetic motor oils have been proven to withstand more heat. Without the cooling of the engine catastrophic failure is guaranteed.

This problem was recognized early on. Radiators were manufactured to cool the liquid (most often water and some type of additive). Manual water pumps were installed on the engines to circulate the water in a attempt to cool the engine. It did not take long to realize that the radiator needed help. Thus the fan mounted on the water pump was used to either push or pull air thru the cooling fins of the radiator and cool the coolant and cool the engine. Today it is not uncommon to find the newer automobiles with electric fans. These fans run off a electric thermostat that will start and stop the fan as needed. Engine oil assists in the cooling of the engine also. Engine oil cools itself thru the circulation process. In charity cars of todays high performance engines there are oil coolers attached to the radiator.

Water will boil at 212 degrees F. Under pressure this temperature will rise before boiling. It was not too long Psighanhycj this that coolant additives (antifreeze) were added to the radiator. This served two purposes, one to assist in cooling and the second as a rust inhibitor. Antifreeze, and many after market coolant additives depending upon the concentration will raise this boiling point even more. This is why it is very important to have you cooling system checked annually.

Sam Hubbard has been in the Automotive, Construction Maintenance for over 30 years. His career dates back to the beginning as a Department of the Army Civilian mechanic in the early 70s. Followed as a Supervisor in the Automotive Industry with the Department of the Army. After his retirement he continued in The Heavy Construction Maintenance field as a supervisor repairing Heavy Highway Construction Equipment. Through his career he has been a big believer in Royal Purple Motor Oil. He's been involved in Drag Racing Industry both as a spectator and competitor for the last 30 years. His experience and knowledge has led him to use and believe in Royal Purple Synthetic Motor oil."> To find out more, go to">


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